
An ecosystem for model and data registration.

The Dojo API

This document outlines how to interact with the Dojo API to fetch models, execute models, and fetch model runs.

Note: all API calls described in this document require authentification. Please contact for credentials.


  1. Model Discover
  2. Model Execution
  3. Retrieving Model Runs
  4. Debugging Model Runs
  5. Searching for Model Runs
  6. Working with Model Results

Model Discovery

You can search Dojo for models using the GET /models. For example, to find models related to crops you would send:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

This will return an array of model objects defined by the shared Causemos/Dojo Model Schema.

A key thing to note is that each model has as a set of parameters. Parameters are model specific and the model metadata will include default values for each parameter. Understanding a model’s individual parameters is crucial for executing a model.

Additionally, you may retrieve models directly based on their id. For example, here we retrieve DSSAT based on its id:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Model Execution

To execute a model, you must first obtain the model’s metadata to appropriately set the model’s parameters. Any parameter not explicitly set will fall back to its default setting which was specified at the time of model registration.

Let’s say we wish to execute DSSAT with the following parameters:

We would use the POST /runs endpoint and send to Dojo the following:

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
   "model_name": "DSSAT For Kenya Maize",
   "data_paths": [],
   "pre_gen_output_paths": [],
   "tags": ["Agriculture"],

You have now created a run with the id example-run-8654912.

Note: the only fields that should be adjusted in the above payload are id (the run id), model_name, model_id, tags, and parameters. The rest should remain as displayed above.

Retrieving Model Runs

To retrieve a model run, you can simply make a GET /runs using the run id. For example:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

When the model execution and Dojo post-processing has completed, attributes.status will be set to success and data_paths will contain an array of URLs for downloading the Causemos compliant model output off S3. In this case, the data_paths are:


Debugging Model Runs

You can debug model runs by fetching the model execution logs with GET /runs/{run_id}/logs. For example:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Searching for Model Runs

You can query for existing model runs with a GET /runs and by passing a query string (see query string query for reference). This query should be executed against the run schema.

For example, we can query for:

with the following (URL encoded) query:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Note: the raw query is (model_name:DSSAT For Kenya Maize) AND (parameters.value: 1.25) AND (attributes.status: success), which is %28model_name%3ADSSAT%20For%20Kenya%20Maize%29%20AND%20%28parameters.value%3A%201.25%29%20AND%20%28attributes.status%3A%20success%29 after URL encoding.

Working with Model Results

Model results are stored in the Causemos compliant format. They can be interacted with conveniently using Python’s Pandas library, or any other library used to process parquet.

For example:

import pandas as pd

data_path = ""

df = pd.read_parquet(data_path)


This will return:

timestamp country admin1 admin2 admin3 lat lng feature value
1546300800000 Kenya Kericho Bureti Kisiara -0.458 35.125 HDAT_AVE 1566259200000
1577836800000 Kenya Kericho Bureti Kisiara -0.458 35.125 HDAT_AVE 1599264000000
441763200000 Kenya Nyamira North Mugirango Magwagwa -0.458 35.042 HDAT_AVE 461462400000
473385600000 Kenya Nyamira North Mugirango Magwagwa -0.458 35.042 HDAT_AVE 495504000000
504921600000 Kenya Nyamira North Mugirango Magwagwa -0.458 35.042 HDAT_AVE 526608000000
536457600000 Kenya Nyamira North Mugirango Magwagwa -0.458 35.042 HDAT_AVE 557366400000